Black Gold Pump & Supply, Inc. stocks more than 5,000 parts, including the unions, fittings and clutches our oil and gas field clients require. The Kemper Valve & Fittings Corporation, has been making pipe unions for 40 years and are best known for their line of oil field hammer unions.
Kemper Valve & Fittings Corporation, one of the largest manufacturers of oil field hammer unions in North America, also manufactures valves and other flow line products used throughout the oil and gas industry.
Kemper products are supplied for the following applications:
- Unions - Oil field unions, Hammer-Seal unions, Seal-O-Grip connections and industrial unions
- Crossovers - Unions for crossover, swages and blanks
- Pup Joints - Integral non-pressure seal.
- Swivel Joints- To codes silver, black, and red.
- Hose Loops - To codes silver, black, and red.
- Flow Line Valves - Dart checks, swing checks and relief checks.
- Integral fittings - Tees, crosses, ells, laterals and radius.
- Valves - Non-freeze tank valves and model “B” butterfly.